Have you ever wondered how to tighten a lawn mower blade? If the thought ever comes to mind, here is a handy guide to do them:
Tightening A Lawn Mower Blade On A Push Lawn Mower
Having a loose lawn mower blade, be it on a push lawn mower or a riding lawn mower, is very unsafe. If you keep cutting the grass with a loose blade, there is a high chance that your lawn mower will break down in a few uses.
Nobody likes having to buy another lawn mower because the thing can be so expensive I would have to eat garlic for a month if I decide to buy one with my monthly pay check. I do not want to eat garlic, thank you, so it is better for me and you to keep the ones we got in pristine condition
But I digress. Let us start into how you can tighten the blade. When it comes to tightening lawn mower blades, you will need a torque wrench. If you do not have one, I suggest you buy one at any home depots because it will help you a hecking lot.
Torque wrench, unlike any other wrenches out there, got an indicator that shows how much pressure you use when you are wrenching anything. You will need to be precise with lawn mower blades.
The first step that you would need to do is to empty the gasoline tank. This is necessary because having a filled tank will make it hard for you. If there is only a little of gas left, let the lawn mower run dry for a bit until it is out of gas. If it is not, be creative with how you should siphon it.
When you are done, you need to bring the oil cap pointing up. Right after, find a wooden block or something and wedge the blade so that the blade will not move when you tighten them. Pesky moving blades are a thing of the past with this easy to follow trick.
After that, you would need to attach the torque wrench to the securing bolt. Usually, lawn mowers require a 9/16 inch socket, but if your lawn mower is special, you need to adjust it by yourself.
After you have found the appropriate socket, put the pressure thingy on 30 pounds and you can tighten away. Tighten it until it clicks and you can remove the block thing from the blade.
Tightening A Riding Lawn Mower
Tightening a riding lawn mower is significantly easier than doing the push mower. For starters, you want to park the lawn mower on a level surface to avoid any problems.
When you are done parking the car, pull off the key because you do not want the lawn mower to accidentally start when you are tightening the blade. Why bad things could happen and you may lose your hand to the blade (or even worse, the torque wrench will break).
After it is all safe and sound, you go to the forefront of the mower and grab the blade that you are securing with one hand while the other tightens it. Keep at it until you hear the click and that is that. Repeat the process for the other blade and that is how to tighten a lawn mower blade.
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